This is How Most Indian Telecom Operators Charge you Upto Rs 10,000/GB for Internet Data

Telecom News

The telecom sector in India is currently undergoing a revolutionary change. With the launch of Jio as more and more people are coming online, the other telecom operators are trying to take advantage of this and hold their position in the market. In a way, it is a win for the consumers as every other company is trying to come up with a better tariff than the other to appeal the market. We have already compared all the new tariff plans offered by these companies in a detailed article, which you can check out for more details.

All these tariff plans are all great, but have you ever thought how much most of the telecom operators charge you for your data once you run out of data limit? Well, most people are aware of this but it is safe to say that a majority of people don’t care to calculate how much it costs in actuality. Dubbed as PayAsYouGo plan, it simply implies that once you are out of the data limit, you pay for what you use. This makes a lot of sense right? Just Pay for what you use. However, ever wondered how much you pay for this casual usage?
